Name:Marissa Quartermaine, "Angel of Curses"
Race:Elven Angel
Weight:120 pounds
Hair:Blonde coiled around her head looking like a "halo" Or "crown" falling to her knees
Eye color:Dark Blue, at times a glowing blue
Appearance:As above, a white cotton dress with the back open to allow for her white wings. She bears a hideous scar upon her right cheek, Mark of a demon.
Occupation:"Angels of The Damned"
Outward attitude:Curious, wanting to learn
Inward Nature:Shy and timid, Strong in her own ways
Weapons:"If Looks could Kill"
Abilities:Telepathy for a few chosen, has unbreakable mind walls constructed by "The Holy Ones",
Spells:Cureses of The Damned
Special Notes:Recently having fallen from the heavens Marissa remembers little of the fall or the reason for it. She is learning quickly to live in the mortal realm she has fallen into with her chosen one Lance. She however worries for her twin Lilly as she withdrew much after the fall....More to come as the story unfolds
Retired September 2001

Copyright Anna Marie Hoyer, All Rights Reserved. All Artwork found within the pages is copyright the original artist. All Poetry within the pages copyright the orignal writer, All character biographys copyright the player of the character. All titles done by Vermillion Draven and Gem Bluestone. Page layouts created and made by Anna Marie Hoyer. This page is a Non Profit, For entertainment only page. Do NOT take from my page unless you have prior written consent from the artists.

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