Kerby Derbeshire, Gatekeeper of Moonlit Castle

Kerby's Yahell profile and pix

Name:Kerby Derbeshire
Eye color:Green
Appearance:As pictured in his profile above
Occupation:Gatekeeper of Moonlit Castle
Birthplace:Realm of The Fallen
Outward attitude:Friendly, happy, charming
Inward Nature:Sadened by the loss of his Mistress
Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on. Usually carries a broadsword and many daggers. Knows how to use all the weapons of the former planet Yendora
Abilities:All Human here
Creatures/Pets/Familiars: None
Special Notes:Kerby was born to Nissandra's chosen after she was delivered to The Temple of Mages at age 12. Kerby offered his services to her after she came of age. She accepted gratefully when she built Moonlit Castle. He has been her loyal guard since.

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Copyright Anna Marie Hoyer, All Rights Reserved. All Artwork found within the pages is copyright the original artist. All Poetry within the pages copyright the orignal writer, All character biographys copyright the player of the character and used here with their permission. All titles done by Vermillion Draven and Gem Bluestone. Page layouts created and made by Anna Marie Hoyer. This page is a Non Profit, For entertainment only page. Do NOT take from my page unless you have prior written consent from the artists.

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