And now she finds peace, for now she belongs. What once was The Realm of the Fallen, is now.....The Realm Of Secrets...She is now home....She is...The DarkMistress

The Journals of The DarkMistress is now in the works as a Book. It has been a long time coming and I, Anna Marie, the player of The DarkMistress is terribly excited about this. I had many a fun time in Geocities Fantasy. So many helped bring my character life and shape her into what she became. She was a pleasant mix of Heroine, Victim, Healer, Mother and so much more. With the permission of many of you from Geocities I will be including your characters in my book. I do not ask for any rights to them, just permission to use them in the book. And many of you have agreed. Regretfully one of the main characters I wished to include "Dark Lord" Would not give me permission. I will change the story accordingly. Reguardless the story is coming along well! The new "Bad Boy" I created to replace Dark Lord is terribly exciting! If you are one of those from Geos and you wish your character mentioned, do get ahold of me! I've lost many email addys over the years and would simply love to hear from you! While I'm writing this eventful book, I will be changing this page. The old characters are going into the Archives of Fantasy I shall post a link to it once I get it all done. The characters within are all mine and my own creations. Some played now in Yahell and many on my MSN club! You can find me there. Do join in the fun! Blessed be all! Safe Journeys in your lifetime.

"Used with permission by" Luis Royo Click here to go to the Profiles!

The Burning Times-Rumors of The Big Wave

In the cool of the evening they used to gather
'Neath the stars in the meadow
Circled near an old oak tree
At the times appointed
By the seasons of the earth and the phases of the moon
In the center stood a woman,
Equal with the others and respected for her worth
One of the many we call the witches
The healers and the teachers of the wisdom of the earth
The people grew in the knowledge she gave them
Herbs to heal their bodies
Spells to make their spirits whole
Hear them chanting healing incantations
Calling on the wise ones
Celebrating in dance and song

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

There were those who came to power through domination
And they were bonded in their worship of a dead man on a cross
They sought control of the common people
By demanding allegiance to the church of Rome
And the Pope declared the inquisition
It was a war against the women whose power they feared
In the holocaust against the nature people
Nine million European women died
And the tale is told of those who by the hundreds
Holding together chose their deaths in the sea
While chanting the praises of the mother goddess
A refusal of betrayal, women were dying to be free

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

Now the earth is a witch and the men still burn her
Stripping her down with mining and the poison of their wars
Still to us the earth is a healer, a teacher, a mother,
The weaver of a web of life that keeps us all alive
She gives us the vision to see through the chaos
She gives us the courage, it is our will to survive

"Used with permission by" Luis Royo

And now I find peace...and now I belong. What was once the Realm of The Fallen, is now...The Realm of Secrets....I am now home....The DarkMistress

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Please Note: This page contains nudity. It contains NO pornography but some of the art contained within depicts nudity. All art within the page is "used with Permission" from the respective artists with a link back to their page. Please respect copyright and don't steal. Please contact the respective artists for permission like I have. It only takes a moment to drop them a mail and most are very willing to let you use their art upon your personal webpages.

Copyright Anna Marie Hoyer, All Rights Reserved. All Artwork found within the pages is copyright the original artist. All Poetry within the pages copyright the orignal writer, All character biographys copyright the player of the character and used here with their permission. All titles done by Vermillion Draven and Gem Bluestone. Page layouts created and made by Anna Marie Hoyer. This page is a Non Profit, For entertainment only page. Do NOT take from my page unless you have prior written consent from the artists.

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